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Showing posts from January, 2020

Emergency Call using EEG and Android Operation System for Disabled People

Emergency Call using EEG and Android Operation System for Disabled People Emergency call using EEG and Android operationsystem for disabled people is a new kind of science and technology, which includes the sciences and technologies of the optical system of the eyes [1], Brain Computer Interface (BCI) [2], signal processing, communication, and control. For disabled people to use phone call, scientists created a system which was designed and implemented based on the control of EEG signals in Nanchang University [3]. An online calling system and spelling system is realized on a BCI experimental platform based on steady-state visual evoked technology (SSVEP) to translate the EEG into control command [4]. Commonly, there are two kinds of visual stimulator: LED visual stimulator and LCD visual stimulator. The EEG signals feature extracting can use power spectral density analysis or canonical correlation analysis (CCA). CCA finds the max correlation coefficient between EEG and referenc...

Student Attendance Management System with Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon

Student Attendance Management System with Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon I NTRODUCTION   The student’s ID card with a built-in IC chip has beenused for identifying the student electronically for variouspurposes including registration of attendance in the class-room. In Ibaraki University, for example, a software productnamedIC card de syussekichosa[1] has been prepared totake attendance by a PC connected to a card reader. Byscanning the student’s ID card over the reader, the student’sinformation is registered into a file in the PC so that heis marked present. The problem with this system is that itconsumes much time as each student has to do the samestep over and over again until all the students are registered.We can reduce the time for attendance registration ifwe use multiple devices in parallel to take attendance ofstudents. Code Shoppy It is our idea to use the students own smartphonesof which majority has the Android operating system. Inorder not to allow studen...